
MDN Web Docs flytter fra MySQL til git

Mozilla har annonceret at de bygger systemet bag MDN Web Docs om fra at være en databasebaseret wiki, til at være baseret på git.

Det er en meget spændende ide. Jeg er selv stor fan af at have samlinger af tekst (som fx dokumentation) som Markdown i et git repository, i stedet for et mere klassisk CMS eller en wiki. Men jeg har ikke før hørt om så store opslagsværker der valgte at gøre det.

Det kunne være sjovt at prøve det samme for et mere traditionelt publicistisk medie.

Der er stadig noget Django i det, men tilsyneladende kun til at holde styr på brugere og rettigheder:

This separation of concerns has multiple benefits, the most important three of which are as follows:

  • First, the document pages are served to readers in the simplest, quickest, and most efficient way possible. That’s really important, because 99% of MDN’s traffic is for readers, and worldwide performance is fundamental to the user experience.
  • Second, because we’re using GitHub to manage our document content, we can take advantage of the world-class functionality that GitHub has to offer as a content management system, and we no longer have to support the large body of code related to our current Wiki platform. It can simply be deleted.
  • Third, and maybe less obvious, is that this new approach brings more power to the platform. We can, for example, perform automated linting and testing on each content pull request, which allows us to better control quality and security.